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오직 성령이 너희에게 임하시면 너희가 권능을 받고 예루살렘과 온 유대와 사마리아와 땅 끝까지 이르러 내 증인이 되리라 하시니라 (사도행전 1:8)

환하게 웃는 수영이

페이지 정보

작성자 명서니 (220.♡.8.245) 작성일04-04-12 12:13 조회1,526회 댓글4건


누가 찍었는진 몰겠지만~~~

수정이가 꼬옥 올려달라구해서 올립니다.ㅋㅋㅋ

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하나님의 댓글

하나 아이피 220.♡.152.183 작성일

  오~~수영오빠 뽀샤시에요^^

Steffie님의 댓글

Steffie 아이피 69.♡.213.197 작성일

  You have shed a ray of susnihne into the forum. Thanks!

Kero님의 댓글

Kero 아이피 198.♡.141.5 작성일

  Good point. I hadn't <a href="http://exesacpj.com">thguoht</a> about it quite that way. :)

Tangie님의 댓글

Tangie 아이피 89.♡.113.135 작성일

  Quotes Chimp is absolutely safe to state that the lot of men and women in this state have become sad about policy contract. Some using the insurance business generally, plus a huge additional with, some are upset making use of their individual businesses both Accurate, element with this discontent is due to insurance carrier methods and processes and by flaws in the field of ordinance (notice Post 39). But a lot of customers have just themselves responsible on account of the lousy way they've eliminated regarding the job of searching for insurance plan.

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